Other Support Sites

Support and information is vital to families of children who have special needs. CHASA sponsors a number of online discussion groups for families and caregivers of children who have hemiplegia. Groups are also available for adults who have had hemiplegia since childhood.   We suggest you stay in the groups for at least two months, since topics change daily and staying for awhile will help you decide if these groups are a good fit for you and your family.

CHASA Facebook Groups This online group sponsored by CHASA has thousands of members, including parents and adults who have had hemiplegia since childhood.  Groups are available for each state and several countries. Specialty groups include Epilepsy, Homeschooling, Shoe Exchange and more.

Brain Injury Association of America

Parent to Parent USA – Excellent organization with chapters in each state

Exceptional Parent Magazine

Hemisperectomy Foundation

UK Support Resources

Different Strokes  a UK charity for younger stroke survivors


Hemi-Help UK support group for children who have hemiplegia