The term “executive function” refers to a set of mental processes that are involved in a goal directed activity. Executive functioning skills are important for problem solving, reasoning, social awareness, goal directed behavior, and adaptive behavior. Researchers believe that children who have an early brain lesion, such as a stroke, are vulnerable to problems with executive functioning.
Executive dysfunction can interfere with the ability to function effectively at school and at home, and can cause problems in personal relationships. Executive dysfunction is not the same thing as a developmental delay or cognitive impairment.
What is Executive Functioning?
Executive Function Planning Calendar – example of plans for one day
Helping Children with Executive Functioning Problems Turn in Their Homework
Executive Functioning and Learning Disabilities
Executive Skills and Your Child with Learning Disabilities
Executive function following child stroke: the impact of lesion size. Nov. 2011. Australia.
Executive function following child stroke: the impact of lesion location. Mar. 2011. Australia.
Children’s executive functions: are they poorer after very early brain insult. June 2010. Australia.