Gabi is Riding Again

On January 24th, 2011, Gabi grabbed her head and stumbled to the ground and started to go unresponsive. Fifteen hours later, at midnight in the PICU, we found out that Gabi had had a stroke. It was sudden to say […]

16 Years Later – A Story of Hope

Braden Kara was born by C-section after a long non productive labor.  Her apgar scores were both 9 and looking back, the only indication that something may not have been “normal” was a lazy looking left eye.  We started to […]

Watching and Waiting

James didn’t come into this world screaming; he came into it blue, breathless and almost lifeless following a complete placental abruption. Five days later we found out that his little brain had been spared damage from the loss of oxygen, […]

Brody Had a Stroke Before He was Born – He’s a survivor!

Our son, Brody, had a stroke before he was born. This is often called an in-utero stroke or a perinatal stroke. We’re sharing our story to encourage other families and increase awareness of pediatric stroke. We’re also running for the […]

Evans Loves to Swing – And She’s a Pediatric Stroke Survivor

Evans was born a happy (and we thought) healthy little girl. When Evans was 5 months old we discovered she had very limited use of her right side and immediately looked for answers. The pediatrician informed us that our daughter […]

Luka is a Pediatric Stroke Survivor

Most people are unaware that at least 1 in every 2700 children will be diagnosed with a stroke either in-utero or around the time of birth. 11 out of 100,000 children will suffer a stroke between the ages of 1-18 […]

I didn’t know babies could have a stroke. Isaiah’s Journey

On 13 September, 2011, we were blessed with a perfect baby boy – and a not so perfect birth story. At 41 weeks I was finally induced. The birth was stressful, his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and […]

Pediatric Stroke Survivor has the Heart of a Champion

This was not what we expected. I had a perfectly healthy 7 month old who just happened to have a cold and was teething at the same time. This caused dehydration and then he suffered a stroke. We were fortunate […]

Evan’s Story

In September 2010, our second son was born after a troublesome pregnancy and c-section delivery. The medical staff had a rather difficult time getting Evan to respond at birth, noting that the lower half of his body was blue, which […]