Fundraising FAQ

We’re excited that you wish to help us promote the good works of CHASA and raise funds or spread awareness about our little stroke and hemiplegia survivors!

Hosting an Awareness Event, Fundraising for CHASA or Selling Products to benefit CHASA

Please fill out this form and tell us more about your awareness and fundraising plans and ideas! We’d like to know about your awareness events and fundraisers. We can help you with ideas and ways to increase awareness and to raise funds. We can share what has worked well for others in the past and come up with new ideas for your event.

Questions About Donations, Receipts, Tax Deductions

If you are hosting a fundraiser for CHASA and have questions about donations, receipts and tax deductible donations, please contact us.

Reproduction of CHASA Facts Sheets, Website Content, or Links to CHASA Website Pages

  1. Please share links to throughout the internet – Help others reach us for information and support!
  2. You may add “” to your awareness images and your facebook or blog pages and posts – please do! You can write something like, “CHASA has been a great source of support for my family. Learn more at” or “We love CHASA. Visit”. You may not place directly onto a product that is for sale.
  3. You  may link to any documents or pages contained on the CHASA website. Please do not take content or images from the CHASA website and place them on your own site or on products.  This violates copyright law and we’re also not able to update the information you’ve moved over to your website, so it may eventually be outdated.
  4. Fact Sheets may be printed and distributed in print in their entirety. Please do not alter, add, or remove any content from the Fact Sheet. This helps us preserve the integrity of the information we’re providing.  Please do not represent that the fact sheet belongs to you or any other organization.
  5. If you wish to publish one of our fact sheets in your print newsletter or magazine, please check in with us first. We will usually grant permission for our fact sheets to be reprinted in your PRINT newsletter or magazine; however, if your newsletter or magazine is also going to be shared online or on a mobile application, you may not use any CHASA material online or on a mobile application. CHASA material that is online is only to exist on the CHASA website.  You may provide a link to our material on your website or mobile application.

Use of Slogans, Names, and Images

To ensure that our messages are accurate and consistent, we have a few guidelines regarding use of our name and logos.

  1. Regarding  the use of CHASA, Hemi-Kids, HemiKids, Hemikids KidsHaveStrokes, Kids Have Strokes, Streak for Pediatric Stroke, Kandu, Strikes for Pediatric Stroke and other slogans, images, or logos belonging to CHASA – Please do not title your blogs, websites, support groups, merchandise or any other online or in person entity with these names without the permission of the owners. Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss this with you and help you find the appropriate method of reaching others with our very important goal – helping kids and their families!
  2. Please do not use any image from the CHASA websites or social media sites without our permission. Talk to us – we want to help you find a way to reach your goal of helping kids with hemiplegia or pediatric stroke.

If you have questions or something we’ve written is confusing, give us a shout at Contact Us. Thank you for helping us spread the word about the many causes of hemiplegia or pediatric stroke in babies and children!