Potty Training Hope and a Thank You from the Mom of a Stroke Survivor

Thank you from mom of pediatric stroke survivor - help with potty trainingThis is why we do what we do – helping kids with hemiplegia.

I would just like to thank you all for this website! My daughter suffered from a stroke, due to heart problems, over a year ago, and she still is struggling to understand certain things. She’ll be three years old this December and she still can’t figure out how to use the potty. Your guide on potty training has given me some hope and reassurance that she will learn eventually, it’s just going to take some time. She had a bleed on the right side of her brain, and a blood clot as well, which caused immediate surgery to relieve pressure and remove the clot. After months of therapy, she can walk now, and talk. She does have trouble with problem solving and memorizing things, but that’s expected. Thank you again for this website. It’s given me some hope about her problems and conditions.