Gina and J. J. Schwan of Glen Ellyn, Illinois are dedicated supporters of CHASA’s mission to better the lives of our youngest stroke survivors – babies and children who have experienced a stroke before, during, or after they’re born. Gina shares details about the 2012 event below.
As many of you know, my husband and I put on a family-friendly race, the PSS (Pediatric Stroke Survivors) We Love You 5K, every year to raise money for pediatric stroke survivors. Our family was touched by pediatric stroke when my son, Johnny, had a stroke while he was still in-utero. Luckily his stroke was very mild and he’s on his way to making a great recovery. Many kids aren’t so lucky. All the funds from our race go to the Children’s Hemiplegia and Stroke Association (CHASA), a not-for-profit organization that sets up programs for these kids. Unlike a lot of other charities, CHASA is very lean and we’re able to get direct updates as to which programs the race helps. We were able to raise $10,000 last year. The money was used to start a grant program to help underprivileged kids obtain orthotics and leg braces, which are necessary for many pediatric stroke survivors to learn to walk.
The date for this year’s PSS We Love You 5K is set for Saturday Oct 13, 2012 @ 8:00am. The details of the race are the same as last year and you can find more information at the Pediatric Stroke Survivors We Love You website. We had such a great turnout of volunteers and participants last year and we are hoping to expand this year. We thank you again for your support and hope to see you this year!
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