I Met a Girl

Mark says…

It was my first CHASA (Children’s Hemiplegia and Stroke Association) Retreat and I didn’t really know what to expect. Initially, I didn’t want to go because I thought I would feel out of place since I didn’t know anyone, but I am really glad I went and am planning to go every year now. I met some new friends like Danny, Joe, and others that I hung around with at the pool and that was great.

The most important thing is – I met a girl – a girl who can relate and understand me and I can understand her as well. When she walked in the lobby doors for the first time I was like “Wow! I have to get to know her.” And, I did get to know her. I’m really glad I did because now she is really special to me. Since then, I’ve been visiting her a lot. So far, I have racked up 8,794 miles flying between Michigan and California. Two thousand miles don’t keep us apart!

Courtney says…

The CHASA Retreats are always the highlight of my summer.  I have gone to them since I was eight years old.  Every year I get to see my old friends and meet new ones.  Now that I’m older we can keep in touch all year through emails, Facebook, and texting.  I always love going to the retreats, but this year was the best year ever.  This year I met Mark.

I first saw him in the lobby during registration and wondered who he was since I had never seen him before.  I knew I had to meet him…and I did!  After registration, I went back to my hotel room to look at the Intros to find out more about him, but as soon as I walked through the door I got a friend request on Facebook from him.  And just as soon as I accepted it, he sent me a text.

After that, the retreat seemed to go by so fast that it didn’t seem like we got to spend much time together, but we were texting all the time.  He’s so easy to talk to.  We just got closer and closer while we were there and especially after we got home.  Then over Labor Day weekend, he flew out to California so we could have our real first date.  I had so much fun!  Still can’t believe he did that.

Over winter break I flew to Michigan to visit Mark. While I was there he took me to Greenfield Village which was very beautiful! We sat around the bonfire, watched fireworks and sang carols! We also went to Chicago where he took me on a carriage ride!! It was so beautiful with everything lit up at night. Then on New Year’s Eve we flew back together to California. It was a long day, but so much fun flying back together. While Mark was here we went to San Francisco and visited Alcatraz and Fisherman’s wharf. Best winter break ever!!

We met at the CHASA Retreat