Meet Helon

SONY DSCI have been recently interested in blogging for CHASA so I emailed them and they were excited to read my articles! They invited me to be a regular blogger for CHASA. I will be blogging a lot about my life and how I got to be where I am now, and I’ll also thrown in helpful hints for kids smaller than me to try that helped me through my early years and also advice for kids my age, too!

A little about me.  I’m Helon and I am currently almost nineteen. I am a senior in high school who writes fiction novels as well as some non-fiction articles for a newspaper in Georgia where I live. I have left hemiparesis and have had it since birth as well as a vision impairment that I wear glasses for and hydrocephalus that did not need to be shunted because the CSF drained on its own. The effects of my stroke were pretty mild and I have been thankful to not have any speech/behavioral/mental challenges.

I have the best family and support system ever. They are the best people in the world. I think pediatric stroke survivors have the most encouraging and supportive families out there. I know I was blessed with one.

Above is a rather recent picture of me and my family – it’s missing my 20-year-old brother, Simon, who wasn’t here when this was taken. These are my parents, my little non-hemi brother Porter, and me.

So that’s a little background on me and all that. I’ll try and blog as often as my schedule will let me as I’ll be busy these next few months prepping to leave for college, but I’m so glad to be doing this. Writing is my favorite thing to do and it’s so cool for me to get to do this. Love to you parents and your amazing kids!
